Getting Your Back Fixed

Few things are more frustrating than dealing with a bad back. Unfortunately, I found myself in that situation a few months back after I sprained my back lifting my baby. It was absolutely debilitating, but I knew that I was going to have to live with it. I kept trying to clean my house, look after my kids, and handle my daily chores, but the pain just kept getting worse. Fortunately, a friend of mine recommended a great chiropractor that could help. He adjusted my back and things started to get better. This blog is all about the benefits of working with a professional.

3 Things To Know If Trying To Treat Period Pain With Chiropractic Manipulation


If you have extremely painful periods, your options for pain relief are relatively limited. While some gynecologists will prescribe hormone pills or injections to help regulate the severity of your symptoms, others will suggest you take NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammation Drugs). However, there are many reasons you may not want to take hormonal medication, including currently trying to get pregnant, and NSAIDs may not provide complete relief for you. For these reasons, you may seek chiropractic management of your period pain. Before you do, there are a few things you should know.  

Chiropractic Treatments May or May Not Work For You 

The few studies that have been conducted on chiropractic management of period pain have been inconclusive, meaning that the same treatment has not consistently worked for a majority of patients. For this reason, many associations urge chiropractors to not advertise chiropractic manipulation as a treatment for period pain. However, anecdotal information and some of the studies show that, for some patients, there have been benefits of chiropractic manipulation. This is mostly due to the fact that the exact cause of period pain is not well-defined at the moment. 

While there is a chance that chiropractic manipulations could help your period pain, it is important to realize that there are no guaranteed results. If you have not noticed a change in your period symptoms after a few treatments, you may want to seek another method for controlling your pain. 

If They Work, Treatments May Have to Be Repeated Monthly 

Chiropractic treatments are thought to help ease period pain, not reduce the cause of the pain. This means that if they work, you will probably find yourself at the chiropractor's office once a month, either just before your period or when your period first starts. For this reason, it may be a good treatment to consider if you already have regular appointments with a chiropractor for other problems that you are experiencing. 

An Open, Honest Relationship With Your Chiropractor Is Important

It is important that you feel comfortable telling your chiropractor if a particular treatment is not working for you. They may suggest a different type of manipulation or you may discover that chiropractic treatment is not for you. However, if you do not disclose this information, your chiropractor may continue treatments, under the assumption that they are helping you. 

While chiropractic treatment of period pain may not be a solution for everyone, there is a possibility that it could help you. For more information, talk to your chiropractor about your options. 


12 November 2015