Getting Your Back Fixed

Few things are more frustrating than dealing with a bad back. Unfortunately, I found myself in that situation a few months back after I sprained my back lifting my baby. It was absolutely debilitating, but I knew that I was going to have to live with it. I kept trying to clean my house, look after my kids, and handle my daily chores, but the pain just kept getting worse. Fortunately, a friend of mine recommended a great chiropractor that could help. He adjusted my back and things started to get better. This blog is all about the benefits of working with a professional.

Veterans: Back And Joint Pain? A Chiropractor Can Help


Military service is full of hardships that can lead to chronic pain. Rough terrain, poor sleeping conditions, combat conditions and constantly unplanned burdens can lead to a body that can summon great feats when needed, but will ache uncontrollably when things slow down. If you're been gritting and bearing the pain, discomfort or even mobility issues, don't settle for another week; a chiropractor can help you, and the Department of Veterans Affairs (the VA) has a responsibility to make those chiropractic visits easier if you put a bit of time in with VA processes. You don't have to do it alone.

Chronic Pain Is Still Misunderstood

Chronic joint pain is still a misunderstood and incomplete part of pain medicine. For many patients, the cause of a problem and a possible treatment is relatively simple because a specific event is documented as it happens. If you were involved in an accident, injured in combat or dealt with specific physical strain that can be documented, it's easier to find a possible treatment.

For many veterans, the general experience of being in the military is the cause of pain. Unfortunately, there's no single cure for general military experience pain. Medical specialists could do a lot more for you if they were able to figure out the exact cause, but you may have to settle for explaining your pain by location.

Treatment can still be achieved, but the costs can be a problem if pain is getting in the way of earning a living. If you don't have the money, but you're sure that the problem exists because of your military service, there are ways that the VA can get referrals to the chiropractor and even some compensation in your pocket.

What Can The VA Do?

Veterans are entitled to monetary compensation if their condition is service-connected. A service-connected condition is any condition that was caused by military service, but can include pre-existing conditions if those conditions become significantly worse. The definition of "significantly worse" is different for every case.

To prove a service-connection, you'll hopefully have some sort of documentation from your military service. You don't need to know which incident caused your problem, just that you have every potentially damaging incident recorded in your official medical record or a verified medical record from an non-military source.

Even before being approved for compensation, you can utilize the VA to get to a chiropractor. The VA is plagued by long wait times, and you simply need to request a referral for a second opinion with a non-VA professional. Give the business information for your chiropractor of choice and file the given paperwork at your local VA administration.

For more information, contact North Star Chiropractic Center or a similar location.


25 November 2015