Getting Your Back Fixed

Few things are more frustrating than dealing with a bad back. Unfortunately, I found myself in that situation a few months back after I sprained my back lifting my baby. It was absolutely debilitating, but I knew that I was going to have to live with it. I kept trying to clean my house, look after my kids, and handle my daily chores, but the pain just kept getting worse. Fortunately, a friend of mine recommended a great chiropractor that could help. He adjusted my back and things started to get better. This blog is all about the benefits of working with a professional.

Keep Your Child's Spine Healthy: Backpack Safety Tips


The backpack your child is carrying every single day to and from school can get pretty heavy. They are carrying books, papers, their lunch, water, and other items they need for school—all on their back. All of this heavy lifting can begin to weigh on their backs, injuring their spines, misaligning their hips, causing pain in their necks, shoulders, and knees, and leading to headaches. This pain may lead to an inability to focus on their school work. Read on for some backpack safety tips to help prevent pain in your child.

Use A Bag With Padded Straps

Padded straps can take some of the strain off of the shoulders and neck. The padding will prevent the straps from digging into their shoulders and neck. Be sure your child is using both straps rather than just using one. Using one strap may lead to the body leaning from one side or the other and can cause a change in their gait. The straps should be tightened so that the bag is being carried on the back rather than down closer to the buttocks. Carrying it too low may lead to strain on your lower back and upper back, as you may be hunching your back to help carry the load.

Use A Bag With Several Compartments

A backpack with a number of compartments will allow your child to place their items in the compartments not only so they are easy to find but so they can distribute the weight in the bag. Weight distribution can take some of the weight off of their back to help prevent pain. Be sure your child is not carrying anything too heavy. They should not carry more than 15% of their body weight. 

Load The Bag Properly

Show your child how to load their bag properly. Just as weight distribution can prevent pain, loading it properly can as well. Heavier items should be placed towards the back of the bag and lighter items towards the outside.

Stand Up Straight

Your child should stand up straight when using their backpack. If you notice a change in your child's gait or posture, pay attention to this, and get your child to the chiropractor for an adjustment to prevent pain or other problems later down the road.

Get your child a backpack with padded straps and compartments and have them load it properly to prevent pain in the back, neck, and shoulders. If your child begins to complain about pain in the back or complaining of headaches, call to make an appointment with the chiropractor. 


31 July 2018